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Women's Brunch

Women Adults

Ladies of all ages, you are invited to a brunch on August 24 at 10 AM in The Chapel. If you would like to get there early, the doors will open at 9:30.

We are excited for you to join us for delicious food, a time to connect names with familiar faces and make new friends!

You will be blessed with a devotion from Talyssia Boyd, a member of North Trenholm who currently serves as a 6th & 7th Grade Sunday School teacher with our students. Talyssia is a native of Columbia who is a proponent of spiritual growth through the reading and studying of God's Word. She is a gifted writer, who often writes about the intersection of faith and everyday life experiences. Her writings are published on her Christian blogging platform title 'Predestined Royalty' which is founded on 1 Peter 2:9.

She will be speaking to the ladies on the Intentionality in Scripture from Psalm 119:105.

Please feel free to invite any ladies you know - students, friends and family.

Please register no later than Thursday, August 22.


Childcare is available for ages 5 and under.

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Saturday, August 24, 2024


10:00am - 12:00pm


The Chapel