Pam Cates

Director of Weekday Preschool

Office: (803) 790-5104

A member of North Trenholm Baptist Church since 1977, Pam Cates has served her Lord and her church in a variety of ways including music ministry, teacher, drama director for both youth and adults, short-term mission project participant, and pastor search committee person. Pam accepted Christ as her personal Lord and Savior on December 2, 1971, while attending YoungLife. She finds great joy in her two daughters (and their husbands!) and her 3 precious grandchildren. Pam holds a Master’s Degree in Education and served in the public school system for thirty seven years. It is her prayer that the Weekday Program continues it's strong legacy of showing God’s love to preschoolers and helping them as they start the exciting adventure of becoming the person God wants them to become.

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